Friday, December 26, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Christmas this year was the most wonderful one ever. For the first time all of our family was together for Christmas morning. I have to say, I have the best kids ever. Our two oldest, both just turned 16, are going for their drivers permits this week. Gosh- that's a scary thought. I don't know how they got that grown up! It is going to be really weird to be sitting in the passenger seat while my sons' are driving! My one daughter is getting into wearing make up, another sign that the kids are growing up. This is just amazing- especially since there is no way I am old enough to have teenagers, LOL. Wish that wasn't so, but alas, I apparently am.

Then we went home, got the little one's to bed and hung out waiting for Santa.

Christmas eve ended at 3am when I went to bed. At 4am there was a sweet 12 year old telling us it was morning. How confused she must have been-LOL- it couldn't possibly be morning yet. We sent her back to bed with instructions not to return before 6am. Luckily the kids gave us until 7am and then they were all up and anxious to see what Santa had brought. The boys were thrilled to get a new xbox360 and can't wait to get live with it later this weekend. The boys also got model rocket stuff, so I"m sure NASA will be jealous of the happenings of our backyard in a few weeks! The girls got dolls, dolls and more dolls, doll houses, doll beds, etc. etc. Camille, of course got make up. Both the older girls got their own sheep and goat grooming supplies (yeah- I won't have to hunt through the backyard looking for my supplies anymore!) Little Markie got all sorts of trucks, cars and trains- so he is in his glory vrooming around the house!

We then went to Grammie and Fafa's house (in our jammies) to see what Santa left there. After a wonderful breakfast, we came home to relax, play with our new toys, and take care of the farm chores. Later in the day we went to Auntie Melissa and Uncle Jon's house for dinner (yum) of ham and turkey and all sorts of stuff. By the time we got back home, I was exhausted and fell sound asleep-

What a wonderful holiday it was all around!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Snow Day!

We got about a foot of snow and the kids and Addie are having a blast! The goats, on the other hand are not at all happy. They can be found peeking their heads out from their shelters waiting for it to end. The ducks and geese don't seem to mind much. The alpacas don't seem to mind snow- they were running around outside in it yesterday and we waiting by the fence for their breakfast. I love snow days... a good excuse to stay home with the kids, make crafts, bake, watch movies, and snuggle together. The little ones (ages 2 and 3) made the cutest little frames for their grandparents out of bowtie pasta dyed with food color glued onto popsicle sticks. They were so pleased with their creations. The girls are busy crocheting scarves for their family members.
The girls (10 and 12) spent hours outside in the snow playing, sledding, etc. Then after dinner (which was delicious and easy to make- chicken breasts baked in mushroom soup and chardonney) so tasty. Add to that green bean casserole and roasted potatoes with italian seasoning. the kids finished off the 6 dozen cookies I had made for the cookie swap at church which was cancelled due to the snow.